Sunday, September 27, 2015

In search of a new five year travel plan

Last time I did this, I had a pretty specific list of places that I wanted to go in each of 2011-2015.  And I ended up visiting most of those places in the years that I specified - this year being the most out of tune with the original plan.

This time around, I don't have plans that are nearly as specific, and I am running out of new places that I really want to visit.  But in any case, here are some places that I am considering traveling to in the next 5 years if I am able...
  • Hawai'i
  • Alaska
    • Land and cruise
  • Antarctica & Patagonia
  • Another Nordic tour
    • This time include Iceland, some fjords, Denmark
  • Another Asian tour
    • Seoul, Bangkok, Bali
  • Middle East, North Africa, and India
    • Cairo, Dubai, Mumbai
As you can probably tell, this is a pretty haphazard list at the moment.  And it's possible that I could end up combining destinations in a different way (e.g., include India in an Asia trip).  But I'm just getting some thoughts down for now as a starting point.  The first two (Hawai'i and Alaska) may be the next destinations, as they should be easier to get to from Seattle.

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